Summer Swarm: Battling Termites in the Heat Alcon services, termites, pest control, ants, bugs, pests, summer bugs, termites and pest control

Summer Swarm: Battling Termites in the Heat

As the summer season approaches, termite activities begin to surge! They thrive in warm, humid conditions and are known to infest wooden structures, causing extensive damage if left unchecked. Whether relaxing on your porch or working in your garden, termites can quickly turn your summer fun into a disaster! To safeguard your property, consider preventive […]

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Alcon | Alcon pest control | Termites | Termite prevention | Termite control

The Termites Are Here!

Attention Attention! Spring is officially here and so are the termites! Make sure to schedule a home inspection to avoid the headache that comes with having termites take over your home. What Are Termites? Termites are insects that consume a wide variety of decaying plant material, usually wood, decaying leaves, and soil humus. They are […]

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