The Anti-Ant Solution: How to Safeguard Your Home

As temperatures rise, ants become more active in their quest for food and shelter. Unfortunately, that often leads them straight into our homes. Dealing with an ant invasion can be frustrating, but you can keep these pests at bay with a few preventative measures. If you’re dealing with a persistent ant problem despite your best […]

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Spring Season Brings Termites and Unwanted Visitors squirrels, pests, pest control, unwanted critters, wildlife, attics, critters, termites

Spring Season Brings Termites and Unwanted Visitors

At Alcon Services, we acknowledge that it is early March, and technically still within the winter season. However, in Texas, the scent of spring is already in the air. Wildlife pests are beginning to birth their offspring and awaken from their slumber, ready to stretch their legs and explore their surroundings. With the warm weather […]

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Attic Intruders: Squirrels and Rodents on the Loose Rodents, squirrels, pest control, termites, rats, mosquitos, service plan, spring critters, critters in attic, home services

Attic Intruders: Squirrels and Rodents on the Loose

As spring arrives, squirrels and rodents become more active in their quest for shelter and nesting sites. With the warmer weather, they seek refuge in the cozy confines of people’s attics. Their agile movements allow them to easily navigate rooftops and find entry points, such as gaps in eaves or vents. Once inside, they begin […]

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Alcon | Alcon pest control | Termites | Termite prevention | Termite control

The Termites Are Here!

Attention Attention! Spring is officially here and so are the termites! Make sure to schedule a home inspection to avoid the headache that comes with having termites take over your home. What Are Termites? Termites are insects that consume a wide variety of decaying plant material, usually wood, decaying leaves, and soil humus. They are […]

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Spring bugs | Spring pests | Ants | Ant pile | Ant mound | Bugs | Pests | Spiders | Mosquitos | Wasps | Bees

Spring Is On Its Way… And So Are The Bugs!

Attention Attention! Spring is on its way, so ants and bugs are waking up and searching for food. Alcon offers one-time treatments or a quarterly service also known as our One Year Plan. Get started early and prevent the bugs from entering your home! Keep on reading to learn more about the different types of […]

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