Mosquito Madness: How to Keep Your Home Safe and Bite-Free Mosquitoes, pest, summer, mosquitoes season, bugs, pest control, pest services

Mosquito Madness: How to Keep Your Home Safe and Bite-Free

Mosquito Madness: How to Keep Your Home Safe and Bite-Free

Mosquitoes, pest, summer, mosquitoes season, bugs, pest control, pest services

As the weather heats up, so do the mosquitoes! With the warmer temperatures, these buzzing pests come out in full force, ready to ruin any outdoor fun. They love the humidity and breed in standing water, making them more prominent during the summer months. Whether you’re out for a hike or enjoying a barbecue in the backyard, these pesky insects can quickly become a nuisance. It’s important to take simple steps like using repellents or calling professional pest control services to solve this issue.


Mosquitoes begin to appear from their winter hibernation or eggs. With rising temperatures, their activity levels increase, and they become more abundant in outdoor environments. Mosquitoes are particularly attracted to warm, humid climates, as these conditions are ideal for their breeding and survival.

The combination of warmer weather and standing water creates the perfect storm for mosquito populations to take over, leading to a large amount of these pesky insects in yards, parks, and other outdoor spaces. Their buzzing presence serves as a reminder of the seasonal shift and prompts individuals to take precautions to protect themselves from mosquito bites.

Mosquito Madness: How to Keep Your Home Safe and Bite-Free

Mosquitoes, pest, summer, mosquitoes season, bugs, pest control, pest services

Prevent Mosquitoes From Ruining Your Day

Preventing mosquitoes from taking over requires multiple steps to eliminate breeding grounds and keeping adult mosquitoes from lingering around your home. Here’s how:

Maintain Your Yard: Keep your lawn trimmed short and remove any debris or clutter where mosquitoes can hide. Regularly inspect your yard for items that can collect water, such as discarded tires or containers.

Use Mosquito Repellents: Apply insect repellents containing DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to exposed skin when spending time outdoors. Consider using clothing treated with permethrin for added protection.

Limit Outdoor Activity at Dawn and Dusk: Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk, so try to limit outdoor activities during these times when possible.

Professional Pest Control: If mosquitoes continue to persist, consider calling Alcon Pest Control. We can provide targeted treatments to control mosquito populations effectively!

Mosquito Madness: How to Keep Your Home Safe and Bite-Free

Mosquitoes, pest, summer, mosquitoes season, bugs, pest control, pest services

Our Services

Our one-year service plan is perfect for preventing bugs and unwanted critters from coming into your home. You can set it and forget it! Click Here to learn more about what our one-year service plan entails!

We treat every room inside your home. From garage to attic, we power spray the outside foundation, flush-out all weep holes, treat around all windows, doors, eaves, and inspect for termites, carpenter ants, and rodents. With the services we provide at Alcon Services, we can absolutely help! If you want to know more, Contact us for details!

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