Bite Back: How to Keep Mosquitoes at Bay This Summer

As temperatures rise this summer, mosquitoes are gearing up for increased activity across many regions. Warmer weather accelerates their life cycle, prompting higher reproduction rates and more frequent feeding behaviors, particularly by female mosquitoes needing blood for egg production. This surge in mosquito activity underscores the importance of being prepared.

Bite Back: How to Keep Mosquitoes at Bay This Summer

Mosquitoes, pest control, pest control services, summer pests, summer, bugs, termites

Staying informed about local mosquito activity and ensuring mosquito control measures can help maintain a comfortable and safe outdoor environment throughout the summer months. Being prepared not only enhances personal comfort but also plays a critical role in safeguarding against health risks associated with mosquito-borne illnesses. Here at Alcon Services, we offer comprehensive solutions to prevent mosquitoes from swarming around your home during the summer months.

Bite Back: How to Keep Mosquitoes at Bay This Summer

Mosquitoes, pest control, pest control services, summer pests, summer, bugs, termites, alcon services

How To Keep Mosquitoes Away

There are several effective ways to prevent mosquitoes from bothering you and breeding around your home.

Remove Standing Water: Mosquitoes breed in stagnant water, so eliminate sources like flower pots, bird baths, clogged gutters, and any other containers that can collect water. Change water in pet bowls, birdbaths, and vases regularly.

Install Screens: Ensure windows and doors have screens without holes or tears to keep mosquitoes outside. Repair any damaged screens promptly.

Use Fans: Mosquitoes are not strong fliers and a breeze from a fan can help keep them away from you when you’re sitting outside.

Use Mosquito Nets: When sleeping outdoors or in areas with open windows, use mosquito nets over beds or around sleeping areas.

Natural Repellents: Plant mosquito-repelling plants such as citronella, lavender, marigolds, and basil around your home.

Professional Services: Consider professional mosquito control services that offer barrier treatments and ongoing mosquito management plans for effective, long-term control.

By implementing these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce mosquito populations around your home and enjoy a more comfortable outdoor environment. If you need assistance on how to prevent mosquitoes from swarming your home this summer, we’ve got you covered. Contact us today for more details!

Our Services

Here at Alcon Services, we provide essential pest control services tailored to combat this seasonal influx. Our one-year service plan is perfect for preventing bugs and unwanted critters from coming into your home. You can set it and forget it! Click Here to learn more about what our one-year service plan entails!

We treat every room inside your home. From garage to attic, we power spray the outside foundation, flush-out all weep holes, treat around all windows, doors, eaves, and inspect for termites, carpenter ants, and rodents. With the services we provide at Alcon Services, we can absolutely help! If you want to know more, Contact us for details!

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Bite Back: How to Keep Mosquitoes at Bay This Summer

Mosquitoes, pest control, pest control services, summer pests, summer, bugs, termites
Bite Back: How to Keep Mosquitoes at Bay This Summer

Mosquitoes, pest control, pest control services, summer pests, summer, bugs, termites

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